Professional Yoga Teacher Training
200 hour Krama Vinyasa Teacher Training
online course
*certification issued upon demonstration of new abilities not hours completed. Some will graduate early, all will graduate skilled.
The ancient ideal of yoga was to enable one not just to become healthy, and free of injury and negative emotions, but to become extraordinary in all areas of life. A super being, skillful and radiating grace.
Because yogic practices have been degraded to flexibility inducing physical fitness, most people are not aware of the transformation hidden in the higher teachings of the yogic arts.
It has been my dream for many years to distill these higher practices into an elite training, taking those who are willing to become truly excellent in physical grace, emotional radiance, and mental clarity through the rarely revealed steps to realize your true and powerful abilities.
Of course, you will also know how to design sequences and teach exceptionally to all body types, and minds.
Love & Light,
Rae Indigo
Founder of the World Yoga Institute