Face Yoga Professional Certification

Welcome  ❤️


Your course recordings are below, where it says “Course Recordings” – not “Live Zoom Link” – that is for the live calls.


Please click the zoom link to join the live zoom classes.


Link is to the right, or below if you are on your cell phone – >


Upcoming Schedule:



February 4th, Tuesday 6pm PST/9pm EST

February 8th, Saturday 12pm Cali/ 3pm Florida/ 9pm Zurich

February 15th, Saturday 12pm Cali/ 3pm Florida/ 9pm Zurich

February 18th 6pm PST/9pm EST
February 22nd, Saturday 12pm Cali/ 3pm Florida/ 9pm Zurich


Below you will find the recordings, reading materials and additional info for your course organized by date.


My Contact:

Cell:  503.740.8600 Email: raeindigo@gmail.com