Yoga Sutras Program 2024

Yoga Sutras Program 2024 ❤️


Your course recordings are below, where it says “Course Recordings” – not “Live Zoom Link” – that is for the live calls on Saturday.

Please click the link to join the live zoom classes.

Link is to the right, or below if you are on your cell phone – >

Our course is every Saturday at 9am PST/ 11am Lima/ 12pm EST/ 6am Aloha

Below you will find the recordings for your weekly workshop on the Yoga Sutras, several physical Therapeutic Yoga class pre-recorded, and all additional meditation practices.


You will also find further reading links, and other informative videos added to support you in this transformation process.

Course Recordings

Video Links (supplemental)

Reading Links Week 

Course Recordings

Video Links

Reading Links